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the power of hugs

The power of hugs greatly affects our whole life. In childhood, parents and relatives kiss, then friends and lovers. And it's not just hugs, it's an exchange of heateur, love and something unsaid and conveyed to another level with the help of hugs.

It seems that the person himself will understand exactly what you mean, but for some reason you do not dare. And it's such an easy way to get closer to a person if you were arguing, to support you in times of sadness or loss, feeling their condition.


Touch the coeurs ...

A light touch can ignite a spark, and a hug can express your love. Hugs sometimes express even more than words, completing the understatement.


1. Hugs are a sure way of reconciliation between lovers. “The handsome ones scold – they are only having fun” But not everyone, after such fun, has the strength to be the first to go to reconciliation. Especially after a storm of emotions, when you don't want to feel bad, and it's difficult to admit it. And what could be simpler than getting up and giving yourself a hug without further ado.

2. Hugs are support for friends and family in difficult situations. In times of difficult situations that arise in everyone's life, it is enough to embrace a person with all your heart, to share their destiny and to show compassion.

3. Hugs are a sign of confidence and warmth.eur towards the person you hug when you meet. After all, you have to admit that it's pretty hard to kiss someone you're negatively disposed towards.

4. Hugs are a preventive measure for mental health, depression and feelings of loneliness.
Have you noticed that single people have pets and constantly try to hug them?eurs arms and caress them, whatever theeur cut. After all, a person's mental health is associated with satisfying their tactile needs. And if the elderly have a large family with a group of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, they never suffer from depression. While you're hugging everybody, the humeur optimistic will immediately deteriorate.

5. Hugs increase immunity and improve health. Scientists have proven that during a hug, oxytocin is released into a person's blood. This hormone helps lower blood pressure, reduces the risk of various types of malaheart dies and improves the overall health of the body.

6. Hug is the development of mental and physical abilities. The children who were more hugged by theeurs parents during theeur childhood have richer growth potential. And a child suffering from a lack of affection at a tender age may later have mental and mental disabilities.

7. A hug is a feeling of safety and security. Remember how in childhood, at the slightest bruise or insult, we immediately ran to our mother, who consoled us with a hug. From the embrace of the mother, all the difficulties immediately disappeared, and we were able to go and conquer her again. As we grow up, we remain a little child at heart, and each person will feel better if they are hugged.

Hugs between people are very important. Even animals show affection for each other, and even for a person, they are simply vital! When we hug our loved ones, we heal them ourselves.

What happens during a hug? Our soul is healed, and from it an invigorating source of positive and joyful energy is sent to all of our bodies (physical and subtle).

hugs are important

How important are hugs?

Hugs are above all an exchange of energy between two people.

Have you ever noticed that not everyone wants to be cuddled? Why do you think this is happening?

Not only the duration of hugs plays a big role, but also theeur number per day, as well as the fidelity with which you embrace.

To heal, for the energy to flow freely from you to whoever you are hugging (with a partner, child, parents, loved one, friend (girlfriend) and so on), you must know how to keep your hands on your partner's back.

How? The palm of one hand should rest just below the cervical vertebrae, between the shoulder blades, but slightly above them, and the palm of the other hand should rest on the sacrum.

The bodies are lightly pressed against each other.

You need to relax and close your eyes, listening to your feelings.

If after a while you feel a slight sway in unison with the one you are hugging with and feel only positive emotions, you are doing everything well.

When you hug your lover (lover), and your hand “slips” below the waist, to the coccyx, even lower – this is the penis. Decide exactly what you want – physical sex or healing at higher levels of your consciousness, leading you to a healthy body and mind.

hug duration you determine yourself, by your intuition, time is not limited.

Quantity matters!

If you kiss 3 to 4 times a dayyou will always be dominated by a state of joy and a desire to live, and not just to exist.

Hugs from 5 to 10 times a day will give you a feeling of love and happinesseur.

UNE 12 or more hugs a day will lead you to complete healing, a harmonious state of mind and body!

energetic hugs

Etheric method “Energy hug”

Would you like to reconnect with your partner? To establish harmony in the family? Or simply send the energy of love to a loved one?

This technique will help improve relations if they have become too strained, if there is no mutual understanding between you. It's also a great way to send positive vibes to your loved ones. Dissolve the barrier if it has formed between you


How to Send an Energy Hug

Sit comfortably, try to relax and calm the internal dialogue

Mentally imagine the person you want to “kiss”, if it is difficult for you to imagine, then you can tune into his photo

Imagine it in every detail – eyes, smile, face, walk – everything that you love so much about this person. You might even be able to hear his voice and smell his perfume. The better you connect with your partner, the faster your energetic message will reach its goal.

Now focus on your aura, feel its limits, and then expand them as much as you can into space until you feel your aura is like wings spread wide in space.

Imagine that your loved one is right in front of you, while your love and the besteurs feelings for him fill your whole body and aura. Embrace it with your expanded energy field, surround it with your energy wings of love. Convey positive emotions, and all the heateur of which you are capable

Remain in this state for a while, enclosing your loved one in an energetic embrace, then return your etheric energy to its usual state, feeling the usual boundaries of your field.

I wish you the sweetest energetic hugs. May love always reign in your relationship!





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