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fill with power

This is an energy practice that will help you re-energize in 10-15 minutes, boost your immune system and create protection against the evil eye, damage and curses.

PS After moreeurs lessons in lessons 1 and 2, you or your children may develop symptoms of SARS or indigestion. Don't worry – everything is fine. It's the cleaning BEGINS!) The more energy debris there is inside.eur of you, the longer and stronger the manifestations will be. Continue to exercise, but you can reduce the intensity. After a while, this will pass and you and your children will feel good.

personal power

Remember a few key points:
1. In absolutely every area of ​​life, you use PERSONAL POWER, and the more you have, the more opportunities you have. This is especially reflected in immunity, the rate of aging, accuracy and speed of fulfillment of desires.

2. Most people on Earth lose more than eighty percent of theeur energy every day, absolutely “out of the blue”.

3. For lack of energy:
First of all, immunity suffers: our body is not able to produce interferon, therefore we often fall malaand age faster;
we have low energy protection, so we are very vulnerable to any energy attack: evil eye, damage, curses;
our intuition does not work, so we most often act and choose incorrectly. We do not know how to receive information directly from Space, so we are forced to use the knowledge of anyone who allegedly possesses information;
our dormant latent capacities cannot be awakened in principle;
our desires do not come true at all, or come true in a distorted form, or only the worst expectations come true;
we have financial problems;
we are not capable of managing our “life scenario” – our destiny.

4. In most cases, daily energy losses can be stopped quickly and easily FOREVER. Now, I'm not talking about the type of physiological energy we all know, which we can quickly restore with the help of food, air and sleep. I meant those SPECIAL TYPES of EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL ENERGY that are generated within us very slowly and in small doses, and about its MINIMUM amount that we are GUARANTEED to have for a full life.

5. Here are the energies we need for a GOOD QUALITY OF LIFE:
heal the maladie and maintain good health
without doctors or medicines;
preserve youth;
for clear thinking;
feel the happinesseur, the fullness of life, joy and freedom;
for the evolution of our soul and our spiritual development;
and also for the GODS TO HEAR US – for fruitful interaction with the Forces of the Universe, with the help of which our desires are realized.

poor flow control

Absolutely all human problems stem only from a lack of energy or its poor distribution – INCORRECT MANAGEMENT OF YOUR ENERGY FLOW.

When we are chronically low on energy, or the main energies are at odds, a person has one of the following problems: depression; Bad humeur; irritability; nervousness; irritability; distraction; inattention; inability to perceive information; dementia; weak defense against energy attacks; desired desires are not realized.

And the ones we don't want at all come true quickly; agitated sleep; excessive emotionality; mental instability; rapid mental or physical fatigue; chronic fatigue; problems with potency or sexual desire; fanaticism; development of manias and phobias; perversion and malamental die; susceptibility to external psychological manipulation and zombies; low immunity and malafrequent dies; psychological or physiological addictions: "attachments" to people or situations, to one's future or to one's past; overdependence on desires – food, sex, gambling, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, etc.

Description of the practice

Description of the practice “To fill with the Power of Heaven (yang) and Earth (yin)”

This description will help you quickly understand and feel the essence and valueeur of this exercise. And in the end – to increase its effectiveness tens or hundreds of times! The video is good for those who have already understood the essence. You watch, UNDERSTAND what is happening there and why, “connect” your aura with the aura on the screen, and repeat. And it works. And if you DON'T understand the essence, but just repeat mechanical movements, it works only a few percent. Proven by hundreds of experiments. I want this practice to START giving you results NOT in weeks or months, but in DAYS.

It is a “locomotive” that pulls us daily towards the DESIRE TO DEVELOP in all spheres of life – spiritually, mentally, energetically, physically and materially. This practice will give ENERGY for all your needs, and the longer you do it, the faster and in greater volume you will be filled with energy. And large reserves of energy will give you a completely different attitude – new healthy thoughts, light and correct emotions, calmness, a feeling of strength and security. And…fuel for the fulfillment of desires. And one more important point: a double or triple supply of energy, compared to what you currently have, will cause your body to release moreeurs times more interferon – a protein that body cells secrete to fight viruses and maladays

This practice will energize

And now we will quickly analyze this practice.

This is the first energy practice, which should ideally be done at any free time longer.eurs times a day. Each session can last from five to fifteen minutes.

This practice SHOULD BE DONE EVERY DAY for the rest of your life – it needs to be transformed into a familiar physiological process, like brushing your teeth or doing exercises.

If you take it according to the minimum schedule, then the first time this practice should be done within five to ten minutes from the very morning, when you have just woken up; the second time – in the middle of the day; and the third at the end of the day. BUT NOT BEFORE SLEEP. I do not advise you to do this practice for an hour.eure or two before going to bed, except for serious reasons. You will just have a hard time falling asleep.

In this regard, it is good to use it for people who for some reason cannot fall asleep now. In other words, ten to fifteen minutes of this practice can replace severaleurs cans of any energy drink.

“Recharge yourself” before working with patients, before performing rituals, before “difficult” conversations, etc. Also, this practice helps to eliminate alcohol or food poisoning etc. from the body to a large extent within five to ten minutes. In a word, it is suitable for all occasions.

Before going into practice, I want to tell you how we receive energy from the Universe. We get the main flows through two points:

  1. Through the chakra inferioreur (feet) from the Earth, we receive an upward flow – the material yin energy or Earth Force. She is identified with COLD and ICE. This energy goes from bottom to top along the left energy channel (ida), then passes through the top of the head to the center of the Sun. The updraft is most active from the second half of the day, and especially after moonrise. It intensifies with a more intense and prolonged effect…



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