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connection with family

Recently it has become popular to restore the pedigree, creating a family tree. Many women want to understand each other, to find theeur purpose. It is difficult to understand this problem without knowing the history of a genre. Negative scenarios set in the family can seriously affect fate. Having passed through them, restoring the link with past generations, you can radically currency own life.

From birth, a person receives a bond with his family and maintains it throughout his life. But often the harmonious connection is broken, and its manifestations remain unclear to most people. Prophetic dreams, intuition, amulets accompany the life of any person, but are not perceived as support for the family.

Anyone can use the Family energy and experience. After connecting with him, Serious problems of your life disappear as if they were alone, because joint energy work will purify your destiny.

How people influence the family

In Russia, there is a tradition: after the death of a person, either say good things about them or keep silent. This seems to be a good thing: we learn to respect life and death. On the other hand, in every family there are ancestors that everyone talks about and that everyone admires. And others are completely forgotten, as if they never existed.

As a result, we only know the positive part of family history. But hiding and not accepting the negative side of your species can only harm you and your children.

Each person is born at a certain time, in a certain family. His life mission corresponds to the tasks that the family faces. Therefore, a series of failures in your life or other negative trends indicate that you are facing a certain generic task. solve toilet bag To you and your family.

Strengthening one's roots means getting powerful support in life, help in all endeavors and even in everyday emergency situations.

Then, I propose a ritual of working with the family, which can and must be carried out at any time of the year.

Also remember that the ritual of working with the family will help you in all situations of daily life, because your family is always supporting you and just waiting for you to recognize it, accept it and ask for support when you need it.


Working with the clan: a ritual of turning to ancestor spirits for help

Light three white candles, take a deep breath, take a deep breath, and so on three times. Turn off the thoughts. Remain in a meditative state and say:

I accept my gender. I recognize my roots. I appeal to the spirits of my ancestors with love and approval, I appeal to love, approval and support.

At the same time, imagine how your maternal grandparents, great-grandfather and great-grandmother appear on the left hand, and then all other ancestors, whose names you probably do not know, but they know you and you support. On the right appear the ancestors of the paternal line, they know you and support you.

If you have a question or a problem, you can contact them with the words:

All my ancestors on my mother's side, all my ancestors on my father's side, I turn to you for help (describe the situation and return to your normal state of consciousness with peace of mind that your problem will be resolved in the near future in the besteur medium for you.

Let the candles go out.

What is your relationship with your family? How do you feel about the support of your ancestors?

You can also use meditation to reconnect with your family.





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