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Gain family strength

Each of us has our own family, and whatever type of relationship we have with our loved ones, whether they are alive or not, we see each other often or not, we know them or they know him. Gender affects a person’s destiny, as an integral part of it. We know that sometimes the genoscope begins to prevail over the horoscope. As you know, a person's destiny is clearly influenced by 7 previous generations. Therefore, working with your family is very important!

Most spiritual illusions come to an end as soon as we find ourselves among the seemingly closest ones – our parents, our children, and other relatives.

Why does this happen? Why, sometimes the most important life lessons are in accepting and understanding blood relatives.


  • During incarnation, we choose a family for ourselves based on the key tasks and lessons we have prepared for ourselves on Earth.
  • We carry in our body, in our cells not only our cosmic DNA, but, above all, the genetics that we have inherited from our parents and from theeurhis ancestors.
  • Each clan has its own soul, which carries all generic information and programs, the well-being of everyone in the clan depends on the integrity and harmony of this soul.


Why do you need to work as a family?

  • Understand and accept your place, your role and your tasks in the family
  • If you are not taking your place, or playing your part, then, having understood this, allow the tribal system to rebuild itself so that you take your true harmonious place, thus restoring the harmonious flow of tribal energy.
  • Restoring the male and female birth stream not only improves relationships with loved ones, but also harmonizes relationships with the opposite sex, as well as ensuring a more harmonious and enlightened life for your children and grandchildren. children.


Heal and gain family strength

Meditation to restore generic energy connections, clear negative generic programs, and claim your right to family power.


The work is best done standing (the energies go better) or standing at least part of the meditation (standing at the end).

Pauses are necessary for the passage of energies.

You can't read everything and then close your eyes and let the energies flow through. Will not work. They are different, they do different work – destroy somewhere, unite somewhere, transform somewhere.

So read a paragraph, close your eyes – let the energies flow. Read on, close your eyes, let the energies flow, etc.

The text is read very slowly, the energies condense around it, there may be a feeling that the body is buzzing.

Work as a family. Pre-meditation call

I seek the help of the Angels of Karma to harmonize and balance the energy system of my Family

I express my desire to be anchored in the process of carrying out this work.

I ask that the work be done as comfortably as possible for me with appropriate intensity and speed.

I ask that this work not stop until my Family's energy system is completely healed.

before the main text

Before speaking the main text, imagine what follows.

You are standing, to the right behind you is your father, to the left is your mother. (Don't confuse the parts. This is important.)

Every parent has a hand on your shoulder. Moreover, by the same principle, we penetrate into the deepeurs generations. For the father (in the same order) – his parents, for the mother – hers. Etc. Which of the distant generations you no longer know, it is enough to mentally designate it and simply imagine it in the form of numbers. The result is such a “pyramid” with you on the “edge”.

To your right is the male (paternal) branch of your family. Left – female (maternal).

Now let's say the main text.
Preferably out loud. And imagine that at the same time as you and your whole family say it.

Meditation to Restore Generic Energy Connections, Clear Negative Generic Programs, and Claim One's Right to Family Power

With gratitude for the gift of life, I embrace and bless my entire family with love.

In the name of I AM ONE, I take responsibility for the fate of my Family.

Pause. (Let the energies pass and do theeur work)

In the name of the I AM ONE and LOVING, I express my will
restore the broken connections in the energy system of my Family, including in him
all the exiled and forgotten;
all unwanted and deprived of love, respect and support;
all the unborn, rejected before theeur incarnation.


In the name of I AM ONE and LOVING, I express my will to transform the energies of separation, rejection and destruction (whatever the source) into energies of Love and Unity on all levels, in all generations, in all the destinies of my Family.


In the name of I AM ONE, LOVING and ETERNAL, I bless with Love and release those who voluntarily choose to leave my Family's energy system.


In the name of I AM ONE, LOVING and ETERNAL, I accept the Power of my Family with gratitude and Love.
In the name of I AM ONE, LOVING and ETERNAL
from now and forever, my Family's flow of Light, Wisdom and Love flows unhindered through me and my generation into future lives for the benefit of my loved ones, Humanity, the Earth and of the universe.
Let it be.


I thank the One who loves the Eternal.

gender strength

How to get support from women of your gender

Relationships with your mother affect a lot – your self-confidence, your relationships with men. They say that a woman chooses a husband who is like her mother, and everything that she did not accept in her mother, she also does not accept in a man and tries to get from him what she could not get from her mother once – unconditional love, support, attention, recognition. But since a man only internally resembles his mother, he is simply incapable of giving her what she prays for.

Once you understand your relationship with your mother, you can attract someone who will give you what you need so much. Your relationship with your mother also affects the difficulties in your life. The worse the relationship with your mother is, the more difficulties there are in your life.

Relationships with your father are responsible for your sexuality and your financial flows. The energy flows from the parents give the strength to live and work. When these flows are interrupted, it is difficult to succeed.

But today we are going to deal with the maternal family. It is the mother breed that fills you with basic self-confidence. When all the females of your species support you, you feel theeur strength and theeur power behind your back.

If you resent your mother or your grandmother, then you prevent this strength from supporting you, you lose this strength, you block the flow of motherly love towards yourself and, therefore, you do not feel not connected to your family, to your roots.

So where do you find rootedness and firmness? To take off, you must first eat. All insecurity arises from aversion, when your mother criticizes something in you, is dissatisfied with something, but not with your behavior, but with you personally.

Vividly remember all those grievances, all your tears – and leave them in the past. Mom did it because she really loved you and wanted the best.eur for you. She did everything she could and understood.

Allow yourself to experience this resentment without blaming or judging it. It's never too late to have a childhood heurher. You will now go on a journey to the first female of your kind to reconnect and experience your resentment.

Close your eyes and remember everything that you were offended by your mother for, that you could not accept in her, that irritated you, caused you pain.eur, ...



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