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The Force of the Family is necessary for all without exception. In ancient times, it was not by chance that the family was put in the first place, because it is in the family that a person can always receive support, enlist By the power of family.

What is a genre? In short, it is a chain of generations united by blood ties, tasks and goals, and each of the descendants is porteur gender genetics.

The ancestors are the guardians of the clan, the successeseurs are the children – this is the true power of man.

At the energy level genus is a living organism, energy information structure. If the family is healthy and whole, the energy flows freely from ancestors to descendants, flows easily. Accordingly, in this case, the power of the clan will be strong.

But, if an energy blockage occurs on one of the descendants, then the energy that reaches you through him will be blocked.

The soul chooses the gender in which to incarnate, depending on the tasks set for life.

It happens that the soul comes more than once to the family to incarnate, but returns again and again, with new tasks or to finalize some karmic “failures”.


What does ROD affect?

Gender leaves an imprint on the human personality, but not on the soul.

People often receive attitudes from theeurhis ancestors. This information can be seen in the behavior, the humeur emotional and even the proverbs and sayings that are used in the family.

We can safely say that gender affects ALL areas of life:

1. Character
2. Talents and Abilities
3. Financial situation (career)
4. Relationships with people
5. Health
6. “Breast milk” absorbs patterns of behavior and attitudes (negative and positive)
7. And above all, the family gives PROTECTION and POWER


How to identify gender issues

1. General discouragement among family members
2. Children frequently malaof
3. Dysfunctional family relationships
4. Malahereditary dies
5. Early deaths in the family
6. Infertility in the family
7. Celibacy
8. Tendency to aggression in family members
9. Drug addiction, alcoholism
10. Similar financial problems for generations in the family


If the connections need to be restored and healed. How to define it?

1. Relationships between children and parents deteriorate
2. Children reproach, criticize theeurparents
3. The children regret being born into this family.
4. Children disrespect older generations
5. Parents are always unhappy with the actions of theeurs children.
6. Parents criticize and do not accept the behavior, appearance, character of children
7. Parents regret the birth of children (the sentence: could such a child have been born to me? Also corresponds to this category
8. “Clashes” withineur from the family: scandals and conflicts when dividing the inheritance, inability to get along in conflict situations
9. Mutual criticism, the desire to assert oneself at the expense of the other, etc.
10. Rejection of loved ones
Relatives do not want to meet, communicate

There are hereditary (ancestral) life programs that are passed down from generation to generation. They can train and go, but they can eat deeply and stay a long time.

If we observe, we will see that in every nationality and religion, family, parents and ancestors have always been treated with special awe and reverence. Take the example of the Slavs.

The valleyeur of the kind

The valleyeur KIND for the Slavs

The son of the Almighty was called the son of the Slavs, he was the parent and creatoreur of the universe.

The name of this God is quite often found in Russian: PARENTS, RODINA, RODNYE, RODNIK, NATURE. In other words, ROD is primary energy from which everything is made.

Without primary energy, our existence would be impossible, but our existence is also impossible without our ancestors.

Very important keep the energy information structure of a clean kind: thoughts, emotions, feelings, actions.

Important for every person restore, establish, heal the bond with your Family. The clan gives a solid base, a solid support in our physical world, nourishes and supports energetically. Given opportunity for generations in the present and the future.

If the energy structure of the Family is sound, then its members live in prosperity, harmony and prosperity.

There is such a proverb: “Ivan, who does not remember kinship” – it is about those who deliberately abandoned theeurs closealive or dead, which means that they have renounced the Power ofeur Family.

Indirectly or directly, many people neglect theeurs ancestors oreurs parents, this they block the flow of energy, which must pass through them to the descendants. In other words, in such cases, the Strength of the Family, in simple terms, is zero.

the clan is more than a family

Genre is something more than a family, distant and close relatives, parents and children. Rod is a powerful base, on which you can gain tremendous strength and power. Like a tree with strong roots, a person who feels a connection to his species can derive infinitely more from the world than a person without a connection to his ancestors.

In ancient civilizations, it was no coincidence that the family was put in the first place, because it is from her that you can get support in any situation. Someone can say that a person is an immortal soul and the parents are people who have just given us a body.

Children are souls who come into our family, but they have theeur own life. There is some truth in these statements. But I firmly believe that if a person has a broken connection with his parents and his family, he cannot have a harmonious family, a successful career or good health.

Our lives are controlled by subconscious programs that we acquired in childhood. The character of the child and his attitude to the world are laid in the first 2-3 years. Energy determines almost everything in this world, even trees and stones come under male or female energy. And man is ALSO the result of the interaction of yin and yang, a combination of masculine and feminine. It is important that this combination is harmonious.

If a woman disrespects her husband, says "he's ruined her whole life", takes on masculine duties, focuses on her career, she begins to be out of balance, first in spirit, then from the body.

If a man becomes feminine, he wants to be taken care of, he doesn't want to take responsibility for his wife and children, his masculinity closes. Understanding how things are going with your energy and that of your loved ones is simple: look at how a person has a personal life. Does a man take care of his children and his wife?

Does a woman strive for self-realization in the family? Or is she only interested in career and money? If you notice that you often fall malade, here, too, there were problems with the parents. The mother for us is the personification of the divine feminine principle, the father is the masculine. The left side of the body is associated with feminine energy, the right side with masculine energy.

Many oriental doctors in the diagnosis pay attention to which side of the body a person hurts. So determine what is the cause of the malathe.

Think about how men and women were treated in your family? Were there problems in the family that were repeated from generation to generation? If yes, then it is important for you to break the vicious circle in order to live harmoniously and heurthem.

Don't give your children the name of theeurs ancestors. You don't know exactly what negative programs they carry. The repetition of the same name in the family increases the evil. Don't hurt...



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