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I love you

Everything is subject to love. But only the attitude towards this wonderful feeling among the signs of the zodiac is completely different. Let's see how representatives of different constellations understand love and with what words they express it.


Aries are misanthropic by nature. They don't like people very much, they are annoyed by those around them. Therefore, words of love will sound like this: “Beloved, you don't annoy me as much as others. »


Taurus are pragmatic and always care about theeur daily bread. Life means a lot to them. The main thing is to provide for your soul mate. Ieur catchphrase is: "Hey, well, you're singing something." »


The changeable nature of this zodiac sign is known to everyone. They stay with a person as long as they are comfortable with them. Love phrase: “For now, I will not exchange you for another man. »


Despite everything theeur love of life, Cancers are proud, vulnerable and, to some extent, lonely individuals. They always strive to show others theeur independence. In love, they confess: “I don’t need anyone. But you, if you want, be by my side.

a lion

Leos love each other very much. And the second half is favorably allowed to be with them, patronize and instruct theeurs close. Love phrase: “Okay. Let's talk a little about you now. »


Virgos are terrible mangeurs difficult. They are pedants and conservateurs, they like that everything in theeur life and theeur house is in order, put on the shelves andeur place. And they are ready to allow indulgence to a loved one: “Good. You can throw things on the bed and not put the cup in the sink.


Libras are constantly unsure of the decisions they make. They hesitate in everything, even if they are unequivocally right. If a kindred spirit appears who can solve the problemeur eternal dispute with themselves, they sigh with relief: “Oh, well, of course, you persuaded me. »


Scorpio's biting and harmful nature is perhaps known to everyone. They always reacheur objective. They mercilessly devoureur kindred spirit for the slightest misconduct, then blame each other for half a day. Ieur expression of love is: "Okay, I will try not to drive you to suicide." »


Sagittarians dive into theeur love with theeur head and can disturb a person in order and not give them personal space. At the same time, they appreciateeur personal space and demand: “Good. Now sit quietly next to me. »


Capricorns, as you know, are always right in everything. They are quite surprised to learn that someone can do a job better than them. In relationships, they are authoritarian and decide everything individually. They don't like advice. Leurs words of love: “As of today, we are living in my apartment. Your belongings are already packed and packed in cartons.


The amazing nature and inner worldeur of Aquarius are clear only for themselves. People who want to be with him should be prepared for all the surprises and oddities: “Well, why don't you pick up the phone? I sang serenades, brought flowerseurs. They grew up in a flower bedeurs under local administration, well, I sang at three o'clockeurYou’re in the morning… “ 


Pisces is a subtle and self-centered nature. At first glance, they never need anyone. But it's not. They like to love from a distance and often love the very feeling of love more than a person: “I’m always here for you. Or even mentally.

Do you recognize yourself in this horoscope?

I love you




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